AGM 2024 Voting

Please use the form below to vote.

Make sure you complete each section before clicking the ‘Next’ button.

If multiple people are completing the form on the same device, please complete the form once for each person. You can do this by refreshing the page once you have clicked ‘Submit’ and your vote has been successfully submitted.

    Adoption of Reports

    Reports from:

    • Membership Secretary
    • Groups Co-Ordinator
    • Speaker Secretary
    • Social Events Co-Ordinator
    • Treasurer


    Chairman: Lorry Greenall
    Vice-Chairman: Vacancy
    Treasurer: Mark Riley
    Secretary: Vacancy

    Members of the Committee

    Karen Riley
    Karen Woolley
    Kate Collins
    Gill Bridgwater


    That the Annual Membership fee be increased from £14 to £16.

    You can go back and check or change any of your responses using the ' Previous' button below. Once you are happy with all your selections, please click the submit button below.